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Louisville Dressage Society (LDS)

Group Member Organizations (GMOs) are the foundation of USDF and integral in bringing dressage and dressage education to the masses.  Stay connected with your local dressage community and support dressage at the local level by joining a GMO in your area today!

USDF GMO Established: 2015

Locality: Region 2, Kentucky


How many members does your GMO have annually, on average? 55 members

Tell us about your GMO.  Louisville Dressage Society (LDS), a 501C3, non-profit organiza­tion in Louisville, KY, fosters an educational environment and was designed primarily to offer a guiding framework where members can progress with the schooling of themselves and their horses. LDS of­fers the community a place to learn about dressage and socialize with those that share similar interests. LDS hosts many educational op­portunities, including mounted and unmounted clinics, symposiums, and seminars throughout the year. LDS is the only dressage club open to everyone in Louisville, KY (and LDS welcomes anyone outside of Louisville as well!) LDS is most proud of our welcoming, fun, sup­portive atmosphere while encouraging correct dressage education. LDS thrives on a positive atmosphere and camaraderie among mem­bers. Members include professionals, youth, and amateurs that stable together and share tack rooms at shows. We are all there to lift each other up and cheer each other on! LDS values the input of our mem­bers. Here are a few things our members had to say about LDS:

“I love the small town feel, BIG goes, and drama free zone.”- Jeri Matheny

“I love the tenacity, welcoming atmosphere, and amazing educa­tional opportunities.” -Megan Carr

“I love the positive, rooting for each and every one of us attitude we share! We all want to learn and be better for our beloved horses!” -Cathie Fergus-Watson

Does your GMO offer unique classes or activities that cater to youth, adult amateurs, or professionals? If so, please provide a brief description.  LDS offers two junior board positions to help encourage the youth in Louisville to enjoy dressage. LDS is a fairly new GMO, but the 2018 LDS Board has created a way to start building scholarship funds to offer in the near future. All of our activities are inclusive to riders of all ages and levels. It is important to make youth, adult amateurs, and professionals all feel welcome, while providing activities that benefit all levels of riders and horses.

What type of educational events does your GMO offer? LDS offers multiple riding clinics, with unmounted audit­ ing available, throughout the year with a variety of clinicians. For 2019, LDS will be hosting Kasey Perry-Glass, Jeremy Steinberg, Kimberly Schisler Sosebee, Angela Jackson, and potentially others. In addition to regular rid­ing clinics, we have offered two bitting clinics with USDF Gold Medalist and Australian Team Rider, Kim Gentry. In 2018, LDS hosted a USDF Continuing Education Seminar for “L” gradu­ates / judges. In the past, we have offered “journal club” type activi­ties where youth, amateurs, and professionals can all get together and discuss an educational topic. For instance, a group of members gathered to watch “On the Lev­els” and had a great open discus­sion among professionals and amateurs.

What type of “fun” events does your GMO offer? LDS members love to have fun! Since there are awards for competitive points out there already, LDS members decided to have a “Fun” Awards Banquet every year. Awards include “best dressed,” “she goes the distance,” “won the warm up,” “I need the most bubble wrap for my horse,” “most dramatic spook,” etc. We also enjoy having pot luck din­ners, especially during clinics. This provides an opportunity for everyone to relax and gather socially. When the weather is nice, LDS enjoys hosting other food and beverage get-togethers, whether it is on the Friday before a clinic or during a show, any excuse works for a good time!

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