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Five Spring Cleaning Tasks to Ready Your Barn for Warmer Weather

Photo courtesy of John Borys

By Amanda Ciejko

Clean, tag, and bag blankets.
Make sure to clean blankets before you stow them for the warmer seasons. Once clean, help yourself stay organized by tagging the blankets with the blanket size and if applicable, who usually wears the blanket!

Clear cobwebs and critter nests.
General clearing of the cobwebs and removing critter nests prevents unwanted barn visitors and removes potential fire hazards, aiding in the safety of your barn.

Check and restock first aid kits (human and horse).
With increased barn activity, it’s best to make sure that your barn has the necessary components of a well stocked first-aid kit. You never know when something might be needed, so it’s best to check stock in the spring or before the start of show season.

Clean and disinfect your brushes.
As “shedding season” begins, it’s a good idea to get your grooming kit in order. Whether your horses have their own set of brushes or not, one of the best ways to maintain a healthy coat is to keep your grooming tools clean and disinfected on a regular basis. This helps prevent the spread of any bacteria that could cause skin irritations.

Check the barn wiring.
As the clippers and fans come out, it’s a good time to check the wiring and electrical outlets in your barn. Do a visual check for exposed wires, and note any outlets that don’t work, as these could become fire or electric shock hazards. Then, get an electrician out as soon as possible to fix any issues.

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