5 fast facts about Group Member Organizations (GMOs)

The founding GMO organizations
  1.  USDF was founded in 1973, with the help of members of 25 dressage and eventing clubs.  These groups are now recognized as USDF’s Charter GMOs.
  2.  There are over 100 USDF GMOs across the country, including groups in both Hawaii and Alaska- find a GMO near you.
  3.  California Dressage Society (CDS) is USDF’s largest GMO, with over 3,000 members and 30 chapters.
  4. USDF’s Region 3 boasts the most GMOs.  There are over 20 GMOs in Region 3, which includes Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
  5. When joining a GMO, USDF Group Membership is automatically included.  USDF Group Members enjoy the benefits offered by their GMO, along with USDF member benefits.

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